Full Moon Madness to Manifesting: For the Skeptics
Ask any emergency service worker “what happens on night duty on a full moon?” and you’ll likely hear tales of increased activity. When the full moon rises, it seems as though the whole world goes a little bonkers. Mental health incidents spike, crime rates soar, and we’re left wondering if we should’ve packed silver bullets along with our standard gear. But what if I told you that believing in this lunar lunacy (Lunar-tic) might just be the key to unlocking something pretty incredible in your life? We all have beliefs or superstitions, never saying ‘its quiet today!’ or, back in the day when there were quick change overs after 7 nights, straight into the 8th day late turn. (Finish at 0600hrs re-parade at 1400hrs) That would always be an eventful busy Monday afternoon!
From Lunar Beliefs to Mind Power

Hear me out. Remember the last time you drove to the supermarket? You didn’t have to consciously think about every turn, did you? Your mind was already at the frozen pizza aisle while your body was still backing out of the driveway. That, my friends, is the power of your mind at work; your mind or imagination is already shopping, your physical body just has to catch up, on autopilot not thinking which way to turn!
Just as we collectively believe in the full moon effect (despite what some stuffy scientists might say), our brains are wired to create our reality based on what we focus on – Sometimes I have to think how to get somewhere, I quickly run through landmarks in my head (Visualising) then i’m on autopilot heading in the right direction. Use this same concept and think about heading to a mates house for a few beers, And that’s where the magic of positive thinking and visualisation comes in.
Positive Thinking: Not Just for Hippies Anymore
I know, I know. “Positive thinking” sounds like something you’d hear at a yoga retreat, not between shifts or between calls. But stick with me here. Positive thinking isn’t about ignoring the tough stuff – lord knows we’ve seen enough of that. It’s about training your brain to spot opportunities, solutions, and silver linings, even in the midst of chaos.
Think about it: how many times has a positive attitude, relying on ‘your drills,’ relying on your experience, helped you defuse a tense situation on the job? Or kept you going through a grueling shift? That’s the power of your mindset at work. In a way, with experience, you know or can visualise how the shift, job, day ends.
Vision Boards: Your Personal Bat Signal

Now, let’s talk about vision boards. No, they’re not some new-age mumbo jumbo. Think of a vision board as your personal Bat Signal – a powerful reminder of what you’re working towards.
Here’s how it works:
- Gather your materials: Grab a cork board, poster, or even just a blank document on your computer.
- Fill it with inspiration: Fill it with images, words, and symbols that represent your goals and dreams. Maybe it’s a picture of that cabin in the woods you want to retire to, or a word that represents the promotion you’re aiming for.
- Place it strategically: Place it somewhere you’ll see it every day – your locker, your home office, or even as your phone’s wallpaper.
The idea is to keep your goals front and center in your mind. Just like how you instinctively know the route to the supermarket, your brain will start to recognise opportunities that align with your vision.
Manifesting: It’s Not Just Wishing on a Star
Now, before you write this off as some “The Secret” nonsense, let’s break down what manifesting really means. It’s not about sitting on your couch, thinking really hard about a new car, and expecting it to materialize in your driveway.
Manifesting is about aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your goals. It’s about clearly defining what you want (hello, vision board!), believing it’s possible (there’s that positive thinking again), actually living the events in your mind, using your imagination, and taking consistent action towards your goals.
One of my mentors used to visualise himself in the Bahamas, speeding around on his Jet Ski, blue skies, dark blue warm sea, sandy beaches in the distance, with a beautiful woman holding him tight around the waist while he was twisting and turning on the waves, when he looked behind the jet ski was pulling a chest overflowing with money. A great vision which he would regularly revisit in his mind. While this might seem a bit outlandish, the point is to visualize yourself achieving your goals, not just passively wishing for them, dreaming BIG!
The principles of manifestation can be particularly beneficial for individuals struggling with PTSD or Complex PTSD (CPTSD). These conditions often involve intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, and a constant state of hypervigilance. By consciously shifting focus towards positive imagery and desired outcomes, individuals can begin to rewire their neural pathways and reduce the impact of traumatic memories.
For example, instead of dwelling on past traumas, individuals can use visualisation techniques to imagine themselves in a safe and peaceful environment, experiencing feelings of calm and serenity. This can help to counterbalance the negative emotional responses associated with PTSD/ CPTSD and gradually cultivate a more positive and hopeful outlook.
In conclusion, while the full moon might have a mystical intrigue, the true magic lies within us. By harnessing the power of our minds through positive thinking, visualisation, and consistent action, we can manifest our own reality and create a life that is truly fulfilling.
Imagine spending less time caught up in the daily grind of the “rat race” – the constant demands of work, the endless to-do lists, and the incessant noise of the outside world. Instead, imagine cultivating a sense of inner peace, where you can connect with your deepest desires and aspirations. This doesn’t mean ignoring your responsibilities, but rather finding a balance between the demands of daily life and nurturing your inner world.
When you free your mind from the constant chatter of worries and anxieties and social norms, you should create space for creativity, innovation, and the emergence of new possibilities. It’s in these moments of quiet reflection that true inspiration often strikes.
Remember that dreams are not just fantasies; they are seeds of possibility. By nurturing those seeds with positive thoughts, consistent action, and a belief in your own potential, you can cultivate a life that is truly aligned with your values and aspirations. So, let go of the limiting beliefs, embrace the power of your mind, and start creating the life you truly desire.
If you or someone you know is suffering from anxiety, stress, PTSD or Complex PTSD contact me now for a free no obligation chat for advice and to see how I can help.